How to Avoid Back Aches While Studying

chair posture

The sight of a student sitting at desk in a pile of study materials and office workers typing at their desks for eight hour plus shifts isn’t nothing new. At the end of their various activities, both stand up from their desks to head home but then immediately feel the same thing – an uncomfortable feeling in their lower backs or shoulder and neck region.

We all can relate to either of them. Today, a good number of jobs and subjects require people to sit behind a laptop for hours, trying to get a task done or studying for a test. Jobs like receptionists, secretaries, and office assistants fall into this group. Equally, people with hard manual labor are not exempted from this group. Along the process, we try to get a ‘comfortable position’ and end up putting our backs under serious strain, which predisposes us over time to a number of unsavory back illnesses.

The issue of spine pain isn’t limited to a particular age group or occupation – students suffer from it as much as working class. Men suffer from it as much as women do. That is why the main idea of this article is to provide further insight into the issue, and how it can be curbed.

A Cursory Look at the Condition And Details

Back pain is a condition where people feel uncomfortable sensations of pain in all or some parts of the spine and shoulder region. While it may exist on its own as a condition, there are times when the pain in that region points out that something else is wrong with the musculoskeletal system of the body. Pain is usually a response to overstrain, injury or overuse of a body part. It doesn’t always start at the point of impact but doesn’t take much time to progress into full-blown aches.

We would now try to go through the various reasons students tend to experience back pain while sitting.

Why do we feel pain in our spine while studying?

  • Wrong sitting posture:  This is the most common reason for the origin of spinal pain for many college sophomores, freshmen, and even undergraduates. Wrong sitting posture can be initiated by sitting on chairs that have no back support, causing people to lean or slouch forward. This puts a strain on the muscles of the spinal region, especially when done for lengthy periods of time. This is often noted in students writing high-level reports and dissertations.
  • Taking one position for longer than necessary:  As a student, you might wonder, “I studied all night and I rested, why does my neck hurt so bad?” This happens because after studying, you get very tired. Did you know that the more tired you are, the less likely you are to control your sleeping position? This means your neck is likely to remain in an unfavorable position while you sleep. You only get to know when you wake up and start feeling aches. The same way you tend to experience neck pain while studying when you crane your neck forward for a long period of time.
  • Stress:  Stress is a major factor in many health issues. You already had a hectic day at school, then you come back to start another round of writing and making notes. You might end up being the victim of the common mistakes while writing essays because your brain is too tired to focus. But there’s more: by assuming different unhealthy positions, you predispose yourself to body aches which overtime could lead to more serious problems.

Steps Towards Minimizing Back Aches

As time progresses, more people have become actively involved in making online searches on how to deal with back pain. Below are a few ways this can be achieved:

  • Getting a comfortable chair that supports your spine: This is an essential modification to your seat that could help towards improvement. This way, when you feel like you need a break, instead of bending forward, you easily lean back and rest your spine.
  • Keep your head upright: Sitting with your back towards the wall, cushioned by a pillow is a good help in keeping your head straight.
  • Recognize when you need professional help: People tend to ask, when is back pain serious? When it no longer responds to postural change or changes in sitting position. People are always advised not to let it get that serious. Be conscious of your body, and be cautious enough to check out all signs.
  • Knowing when you are slouching: For those who occasionally look for the best advice on how to study for long periods of time, this is important to remember. You could get so engrossed in what you are reading, without realizing you are slouching. It is essential to take note of the things our bodies tell us, and implement necessary adjustments.
  • Get rest when needed: Nothing, not even your grades beat the importance of your health. If you have urgent deadlines, but you know that your spine aches too much to sit, there are things you can do – request an extension, use the help of an admission essay writing service or ask for help from your peers. Never risk your health to meet up deadlines.

Exercises to Help Relieve Aches

A good way of complementing the effects of posture adjustment is engaging in some exercises designed to relax tensed spine muscles and reduce the discomfort you feel.

  1. Do a series of shoulder shrugs and rolls aimed at reducing in the neck and spinal muscles tension.
  2. Stretches that engage the spine are also advisable. These include leg stretches, the ‘child’s pose’, spine stretch, hip stretches
  3. A single walking session can help reduce aches by almost 50%.
  4. Wall sits are also a helpful alternative.

In Conclusion

Never wait for the aches to become unbearable before you take action. Practice good sitting posture, and seek professional advice when needed.

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