
Everyday Fitness Tips was founded in 2020, built from the ground up for certified personal trainers of all levels to share their passion for and knowledge of health & fitness.

Everyday Fitness Tips has since become a frequent destination for people around the globe from personal trainers looking to further their education to individuals looking for informative tips and advice on a variety of health & fitness topics.

Everyday Fitness Tips is maintained by a small core group of personal trainers, but guest trainers and other health and fitness professionals also regularly join us to share their knowledge. In fact, we owe a huge thanks to all who have joined us on this awesome journey.


  • Everyday Fitness Tips is for people around the world to gain exercise, nutrition, lifestyle, health, and fitness information which they can have confidence in.
  • Everyday Fitness Tips is for certified health and fitness professionals to connect with and share their knowledge with a large worldwide audience.
  • Everyday Fitness Tips is for certified health and fitness professionals to showcase their personal training, strength & conditioning, or other services.

Join Us by Becoming a Contributing Writer

askthetrainer on ipadIf you have a passionate expertise in a specific area and the credentials to back it up, be sure to send us a message.

We do accept articles from qualified fitness professionals and this is a great opportunity to tap into a new global fitness audience. Contributing will boost your Web presence and can help drive more traffic to your website or social media.

Send us a message today to learn more about the publication process and to get started. We look forward to working with you, sharing your knowledge, and helping you build your brand!

Benefits Include:

Gain worldwide exposure for yourself, services, or website. Each piece of high quality original writing published will help interested readers visit your website to learn more about your unique product offerings.

Topics Include:

Nutrition     |     Sports Strength & Conditioning     |     Sports Psychology

Health & Fitness     |     Bicycling     |     Women’s Fitness     |     Clothes & Gear

Personal Training Profession     |     Exercise Equipment     |     Fitness Books

& More…