10 Essentials for a Glowing Complexion

healthy skin

Tips to Get That Healthy Glowing Skin

Everyone wants a glowing skin! It makes us brighter, younger, and healthier. But it’s not easy, so here are 10 essential steps to start your skin journey.

Many of us want a natural, flawless complexion — much like that of a baby — and we’re always looking for ways to achieve it. Glowing skin helps us feel young and fresh, but what exactly is a glowing complexion?

A glowing complexion doesn’t mean just one thing. It could be as simple as getting enough sleep or as difficult as exfoliating properly. To have a healthy complexion, the overall health of the skin is important. Good health usually results in good skin, and a healthy diet can improve a person’s general appearance.

The ten essentials below can be used together or individually, and we hope they help give you a better understanding of how to create your glowing complexion.

1. Cleanse, Cleanse, Cleanse

Use a gentle exfoliator once or twice a week to help slough off dead skin cells that can block pores and cause pimples. A non-drying, alcohol-free toner is important to remove any leftover dirt or makeup after cleansing and before moisturizing.

2. Moisturize

Skin naturally loses moisture as we age, so it’s important to moisturize daily. Look for a lightweight moisturizer that contains antioxidants, which can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Be sure to look for moisturizers that are oil-free and non-comedogenic, meaning they won’t clog pores.

3. Protect Your Perfect Skin

Avoid sun damage that can cause brown spots, fine lines, and wrinkles by consistently wearing a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher. Sun protection is the best way to keep your skin looking healthy, smooth, and radiant. And remember, no matter what kind of day you’re having, never forget your sunglasses!

4. Optimize Your Diet

Providing the body with essential vitamins and minerals can help keep your skin healthy. Healthy fats like omega-3, found in salmon and some nuts, are good for the heart and make it easier to maintain a glowing complexion. And finally, drink plenty of water each day to stay hydrated.

5. Include Exercise

Exercise is a great way to keep the body healthy and improve overall health, including healthy skin. Exercise boosts circulation, which improves oxygen flow to all body parts, including the skin cells. This can help prevent acne flare-ups and promote a natural glow.

6. Enhance Your Beauty Sleep

Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night to keep the body healthy and radiant. While you’re sleeping, your skin is resting as well and can repair itself from any damage it has incurred throughout the day. Women need more sleep than men because of the added stress they experience.

7. Find Beauty in Nature

Just like exercise can help the body, getting outside and basking in some sunlight is good for overall health and even improves your complexion. Sun exposure causes the skin to release vitamin D, which helps the body stay healthy. Limit sun exposure between 10 am and 4 pm when UV rays are strongest, and wear protective clothing. You can find vitamin D in some fish, dairy products, and fortified cereals.

8. Wear your hair back

Wear your hair back to prevent it from rubbing against the delicate skin on your face. The friction can cause wrinkles, and dermatologists recommend wearing your hair back during the day.

Hair away from your face can also make it look bright and neat. If you have long, flowing hair, maybe it’s time to get a haircut or trim if you’re not ready to let go of your locks. Buy a good pair of hair thinning shears that are easy to use at home. Give yourself the trim you want, and texturize while removing some weight off your hair.

9. Don’t Smoke

Smoking causes free radicals to enter your body and attack healthy cells, which leads to premature aging, dark circles under the eyes, and even brown spots on the face. Smoking also reduces blood flow to all parts of the body, including the skin, reducing the amount of moisture and oil reaching your hair.

10. Get Yourself Checked

Have a skin check once or twice each year to stay on top of any skin changes that might occur. A dermatologist is the best to help find solutions if there are any problems with your complexion and if you have any skin problems that you need to worry about.

If your skin is still dull and lifeless, even after taking the essentials into account, speak to a dermatologist about underlying issues that may be affecting your complexion. These can include melasma, acne rosacea, or other medical conditions that impact the skin’s health.

The Takeaway

Keep your skin healthy with a daily cleansing routine, hydration, sleep quality and quantity, proper diet, and good hygiene. Staying on top of any possible skin changes by having regular consultations with a dermatologist can help prevent potential problems.

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